26 nov. 2013

[Fr] Avec BookStory 2.0 vient Rêve… 2.0 ¤ [En] With BookStory 2.0 comes Rêve… 2.0



Avec le blog Bistory c’est au tour du site BookStory de s’offrir un lifting !
On dira d’ailleurs merci au(x) chirurgien(s) pour ce beau boulot !

Nouveau look, lisse, propre, interactif, en un mot, pro ! Voyez plutôt :

After the blog Bistory, the next one to get a face-lift is the website BookStory!
Gotta say thanks to the surgeon(s) for this great job by the way!

New look, sleek-looking, neat, interactive, to cut it short, pro! See for yourself:

Translation for the English-only speakers:
Do you know that in France, a new writer has as little as 0,2% chance of getting published?
Today, you get to decide who’s going to get published!
How does it work?
We receive the writers’ manuscripts.
Our peer-review board reads them…
to give writers a detailed review
and approve the publication of their novel.
We sign a publisher’s contract with them in order to publish their novel online.

How to be a part of it?
Create your account
Get a preview of unreleased novels
Comment, mark, share them and exchange words with the writers and the other readers.
The more appreciated a novel gets,
the more download of them there will be,
the higher the cost will get,
the higher the writer will get paid.

But more importantly…
we look for Publishing houses of which editorial policy matches the most popular novels in order for them to get hard copy publication.

Play by our rules!
Tell us what you liked
Tell us what you disliked
In order to guide the choice of other readers on their readings
And help the writers improve themselves. That’s exactly what they want!

At BookStory, you get to call the shots.

Et justement il y a des échanges entre les auteurs et les lecteurs, certains commentaires m’ont poussée à remanier un tant soit peu ma suite de mots Rêve…
La version 2.0 de Rêve… est actuellement disponible en format eBook.

A noter que les personnes qui ont déjà téléchargée la première version peuvent le faire avec la version 2.0 sans débourser quoi que soit de plus ! Un détail vous me direz, mais loin d’être négligeable !

N’hésitez surtout pas à me dire ce que vous pensez de ce remaniement. Toute critique est bonne à prendre tant qu’elle se fait dans le respect.

This is it, precisely, there are exchanges of words between writers and readers, some comments drove me to rework the slightest bit of my series of words Rêve…
The version 2.0 of Rêve… is currently available in eBook format.

It is to be noted that those who already downloaded the first version can do the same with the version 2.0 without spending anything at all! A detail you might say, but far from being insignificant!

Do not hesitate and feel free to speak your mind about this rework. Every review is worth taking, as long as it is given respectfully.

24 nov. 2013

[Fr] Projet en cours ¤ [En] Ongoing Project



Parce que c’est un de mes projets qui me trotte dans la tête depuis quelques temps, si ce n'est quelques années, je me devais de lui consacrer au moins un post.

Because this project had been on my mind for a little while, if not for a few years, I had to spare it at least one post.

La nouvelle, courte ou longue, est ma forme d’écriture de prédilection. Tout tourne autour d’une action, d’un événement, d’une émotion ou d’une sensation. Aucune description superflue, aucun personnage inutile, juste l’essentiel.

The short-story, whether it be short or not so much, is my writing form of choice. Everything revolves around one action, one event, one emotion, one sensation. No superfluous description, no pointless character, only what’s essential.

J’ai une façon bien particulière d’écrire – certains d’entre vous l’ont d’ailleurs remarqué – j’écris mes suites de mots comme je compose des tissus de pixels – des instantanés, des polaroïds de la littérature.

I have quite a peculiar way of writing – some of you pointed it out for that matter – I am writing my series of words as I am composing fabrics of pixels – snapshots, Polaroid pictures of literature.

L’analogie avec la photographie n’a évidemment rien d’anodin. Vous avez pu le constater, j’ai un petit penchant pour cet art – mon dada depuis 3 ou 4 ans.

There is of course nothing innocent with the photography analogy. You have noticed it I have a slight liking for this art – my hobby for 3 or 4 years.
Mon projet est somme toute très simple – associer un tissu de pixels à une suite de mots. L’un et l’autre sont indissociables – j’écris les premiers après visualisation, je conçois les seconds après conceptualisation. Associée, l’un complètera ou illustrera l’autre. L’idée – regarder le tissu de pixels par le prisme de la suite de mots et vice versa.

All in all, my project is very simple – associating a fabric of pixels with a series of words. One cannot go without the other – I write the former after visualization, I design the latter after conceptualization.  Paired up with one another, one will complete or illustrate the other. The idea – looking at the fabric of pixels through the prism of a series of words and vice versa.

3 nov. 2013

[Fr] Nouveau concours, nouvelle suite de mots ¤ [En] New competition, new series of words



Quand l’envie d’écrire revient en force, alimenter la et embrasser vos muses.

En partenariat avec le magazine Transfuge, le site WeLoveWords organise le concours. Le thème : Meurtre mystérieux à Manhattan.

When the need to write is making a powerful comeback, just fuel it and kiss your muses.

In partnership with Transfuge magazine, the French website WeLoveWords is organizing a writing competition. The theme: Mysterious murder in Manhattan.

La contrainte – l’évidente originalité de la suite de mots mise  part – être d’une longueur maximale de 4 500 caractères.
The obligation – the ownership of the series of words aside – being of a 4.500 characters length maximum.

Et si par le plus grand des hasards, ma suite de mots remportait le concours, elle serait publiée chez Transfuge ! Chouette non ? 

Si l’envie vous venait de lire ma suite de mots, n’hésitez pas à y jeter un œil. Bonne lecture !
And if by the slightest chance, my series of words were to win the competition, it would be published in Transfuge! Neat, huh?

If you ever felt like reading this series of words, feel free to check it out. Enjoy!

Histoire d'un concours